Going Global
A webinar series for parents and families of NC State's admitted international students.
Launched in 2021 in partnership with Undergraduate Admissions and the Office of International Services, this webinar series features four virtual instances to equip parents and families of admitted international students with the necessary tools and resources that will prepare them, and their students, for success at NC State.
With strategic programming efforts, this series will highlight campus resources and programs at the most appropriate times to answer many of the questions frequently asked by NC State’s international parents and families. Topics include, but not are limited to, international student success, Campus Health, NC State Dining, University Housing, Academic Services, New Student Programs and more!
International parents and families are invited to participate in each webinar via emails sent from Parents and Families Services after students are admitted to the university.
Registration is required to access the Zoom webinar.
Questions? Please contact the Parents’ Helpline at (919) 515.2441 or email ncstateparents@ncsu.edu.