Academic Journey
Help support your individual student's journey to gain success during each year of their academic experience.
First Year
For most first-year students, the biggest challenge is the transition. Not only in August after move-in, but for the duration of their first academic year. Many assume students living on campus are the only ones who struggle but in actuality this transition happens for everyone regardless of whether students are living on campus or commuting. College is a big change and it is worth making note that the First-Year transition is uniquely experienced by those closest to the student, too. Parents, siblings and sometimes even extended family are all going through a shift when a student starts their undergraduate journey.
Here are some important notes to take to help support your student.
Transition is Normal
The college transition can change the dynamic for everyone, and while it is an exciting time, it is important to remember that the cycle of transition can stimulate many questions and emotions.
Your Student is Resilient
Allow your student room to make mistakes and be resilient while keeping abreast of the support resources available to your student; when and if they are needed.
Encourage Independence
While college is about academic challenge and rigor, there is also a great deal of social and individual growth and gain. There is a unique balance for parents and students to find out what this may look like as it is different for everyone. Provide your student with the encouragement that fosters the confidence to make decisions while offering a sense of trust and reassurance that it is “okay to make mistakes.”
Stay Engaged and Come to Visit (when you’re invited)
NC State supports and encourages parents to stay engaged with the University and with their students. For this reason, NC State’s Office of Parents and Families Services provides various communications and Pack Family events to stay engaged and informed.
Second Year
We know Second-Year students and families may feel disconnected and sometimes uncertain when it comes to resources and support. For this reason, there are dedicated efforts to inform and engage NC State’s Second-Year students, parents and families.
For an overview of information specifically for Second-Year students, click here. Students can get a jumpstart on the year or check their progress for tasks and reminders via this Second-Year Checklist; a month-by-month guide to help students stay on task.
Parents and families of second-year students are invited to sign up to participate. for the Second-Year Initiative to receive information and quarterly updates for parents and students. The Second-Year Initiative was established by Parents and Families Services in 2021 and connects families with programs and services developed specifically for NC State’s second-year students. We hope you will join us in our efforts for the upcoming year by registering today!
Questioning Program / Changing Majors
It’s not uncommon for students to call home nervously expressing anxiety or questioning their current program of study. Sophomore year is a combination of general education requirements and the fundamentals of the choice program. Sometimes these courses are more of the “how-to” rather than the “doing.” Often students have a misconception about college classes and assume the program will be just as “fun” to study as it will be to do post-graduation. For some, these courses can be the deciding factor of whether or not they are truly interested and/or have the ability and drive to complete the program. Engage your student in a constructive conversation that positively identifies where your student is at. Is it positive reinforcement during a time of struggle that is needed or a change of major? Either way, keep your student’s ultimate success in mind and offer your student support and love, and remember that these questions are all part of the process.
Plan for Tough Conversations
Regardless of the topic, it is routine that at some point, students will face a challenge and will make an emotional call (or two) home. Whether it’s social or academic, keep in mind that your student expressing themselves takes great courage. Remember your role has transitioned and the way you may have helped your student in high school through a similar situation should look different. Ask yourself how will you react? What can you offer? How can you help in a way that will keep your student on a path of individual growth and success? Still not sure how to proceed? Ask your student. How can I help? What do you need from me?
Getting involved.
First-year students get an overwhelming amount of invitations and education about extracurricular activities. The excitement alone can drive them to stay positive and create wonderful experiences. Second-year students, not new to the routine, often overlook many of these opportunities, even though for some there may actually be more engagement opportunities the following year than the first. Remind your student to get engaged in university life outside of the classroom and encourage them to try something new every semester.
Third Year
Junior year is an exciting time for students as they begin to explore the facets of their chosen program. There are many questions in the air at this point but students are growing and maturing with a keen sense of self and individualism. Much like the moment when students realize parents are people, parents have a similar reaction to their students during this time that their children are now young adults on the brink of making their fierce debut into the workforce. While this is an exciting time and parents often find themselves breathing a bit easier during Junior year, students may have their own set of mixed emotions and challenges to break through.
Recognizing the Real-World
Let’s be honest, we all know the real world isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, but students are eager to get there and the Junior year is the first true sneak peek students get of what it could look like for them. Many are working in the field completing internships and co-ops and navigating their way through the multiplicity of options for any given program. Parents are a support system through this journey. Some students will find after working in the field a bit, that perhaps they would prefer a different direction; this is okay. Students are often seeking a listening ear and an encouraging word to help them continue to work hard. Reassure them that there are plenty of services and resources available and that sometimes finding their niche takes time, and thankfully they still have a year before they have to make any firm decisions.
Be a Proactive Parent
Parents know their students best and are encouraged to do some homework of their own and make a list of resources that will best help their students. NC State offers an extensive list of resources that can help prepare students for both short and long-term career commitments. One such example is the Career Development Center (CDC). Parents are encouraged to visit the Career Development Center to understand what resources will be best for their students. By doing this, parents have the information to offer to students as they need it.
Stay Engaged
At this point, your student may have completed their transition and may seemingly be doing very well but there are others that will need additional support and may still seem to be struggling a bit; regardless, all students need support at all levels. Parents who stay engaged and communicate with both the University and their students, continue to remain connected and positive support leading their individual students on the path to success.
Fourth Year
Congratulations, parents and students, Senior year has arrived! This is an incredibly exciting time for students, parents, and families albeit, somewhat stressful. Here are some ways that parents can help their students manage stress and be successful to ensure students finish strong and have a wonderful time doing so.
Career Planning
Parents should discuss with their students his/her plans and direction post-graduation. Career planning is an overwhelming task for students. Reassure your student that they have an extensive network that has been built since freshman year. Encourage them to reconnect with that standout professor who helped them transition; a mentor or tutor that has strong expertise in the work they are interested in, or a colleague they worked with during their internship. Your student has built a support network without maybe knowing, remind them of this and encourage them to tap into these resources to help make big decisions for their future.
Be Supportive
Job hunting is overwhelming. Now add in managing to balance classes, work, and exams and your student’s ability to multitask is incredible. Although at some point students can begin to feel worn down, understandably. Parents are encouraged to be a positive reassurance and support system for their students. Rest assured they do not want to disappoint and it is their goal to walk across the stage and receive their diploma. Additional pressure does not help the process. While the common questions parents ask during Senior year are done so with the best of intentions but they can sometimes lead your student to even higher levels of stress. Try to remain that positive reinforcement and a reminder to your student of how close they are, and how well they have done, thus far. Encourage them to seek help through the Undergraduate Tutorial Center, Counseling Center, and/or Career Development Center as needed.
Celebrate with your Student!
Senior year and graduation is a success for all students but at NC State it is success made possible by the parents and families as well as the student. Enjoy this time with your student and celebrate your own success as well.
Utilize the Resources
With a wide array of support options for all students, and a university calendar offering a variety of educational programs, interest activities and special events, parents are encouraged to stay connected to support their students.
For questions, concerns or assistance anytime, please contact the Parents’ Helpline via phone at 919.515.2441 or email at