Pack Family Regions
NC State University has a student population of over 37,000. These students come from every county in North Carolina and almost every state in the country. As a dedicated resource for Wolfpack families, we strive to help you stay connected with the campus and with each other.
With eight regions across the United States and six sub-regions in North Carolina, all groups are voluntary and the only requirement is that you have an NC State student currently enrolled.
Pack Parents can sign up easily online and we will email all regions in the fall and spring semesters with news, need-to-know information, upcoming events, and more!
Chances are there is another Pack Family in your region and we want to help get you connected.
For additional information, contact us at 919.515.2441 or via email at
Regional Chair
What is a regional chair/co-chair?
Being a regional chair takes teamwork! The regional chair serves as the liaison between their region and the Office of Parents and Families Services.
Chairs will support efforts to connect Wolfpack Families with the university to elevate engagement, enhance support and further develop the Wolfpack community in their designated region.
What are the responsibilities of a regional chair?
- Serve as a point of contact for other families in your region to connect with.
- Communicate information beneficial to Pack Parents supporting their student’s success at NC State.
- Explore options for activities that elevate engagement and connectivity among Wolfpack families in each region.