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Introduction: New Parent Ally


My name is Ava Wolf and I’m from Woodstock, MD. I’m a Junior at North Carolina State University, majoring in Industrial and Systems engineering with a minor in Supply Chain. I’m thrilled to join the NC State Parents and Families Services team as a new Parent Ally for the 2024 to 2025 academic year.

I decided to get involved with Parents and Families Services because I’m passionate about event planning and want to contribute more to campus life. My mom is also actively involved, serving as one of the Region 2 co-chairs for the Pack Family Regions program.

At NC State, I’m a proud member of the Society of Women Engineers (SWE) and the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineers (IISE). I love spending time with friends and family when I’m not focused on academics. I’m also an avid baker and enjoy doing art.

I’m eager to dive into NC State traditions and play a role in planning events like Parents and Families Weekend. I’m excited about this opportunity to support NC State families and become a more active member of our amazing community!

Go Pack!

Ava Wolf

Parent Ally