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Summer Send-Off Celebrations

With summer rapidly coming to a close and the beginning of the school year approaching, Summer Send-Off events are the perfect opportunity for incoming students to connect with classmates from their hometown and to begin building their support system that will help ease the anxiety of leaving home. Additionally, these events allow students and their families to get answers to those last-minute questions, inside tips about campus life and for Wolfpack Families to begin building their very own network! 

There are several regions throughout North Carolina hosting in-person Summer Send-Off events as well as a few regional locations outside of North Carolina to include more families in our expanding Pack Family Regions program! We invite you to prepare for the upcoming semester with a special event for new and returning students and their families at a location near you. North Carolina locations include the following cities: South Charlotte, Raleigh, Washington, Wilmington, Asheville, Boone, Greensboro, and Fayetteville. Out-of-state events will take place in Fairfax, Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, and Long Island, New York. If none of the events are coming to a city near you, don’t worry! There will be a virtual Summer Send-Off event on August 6 for those who cannot attend these in-person events. With so many options available, there’s bound to be an event perfect for you and your student to celebrate the start of the school year!  

All Summer Send-Off events are hosted by Pack Family Regional chairs, Family Ambassadors and the Office of Parents and Families Services. These annual celebrations are constantly growing, so if there isn’t one in your area this year, we invite you to host one next year. Please contact the Office of Parents and Families Services for additional information. All events are casual, food and beverages are available at cost and as always, wearing red is highly encouraged! To RSVP to a Summer Send-Off event, please visit to register for the Pack Family Regions program and you will be sent an invitation!


Madison Chema

Parent Ally