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Meet our PAs: Abby Crosser

Hello, Pack Families! My name is Abby Crosser and I am from Roanoke, Virginia. I am a sophomore studying Environmental Engineering with an Environmental Sciences minor. I am a new parent ally for the 2024-2025 academic year. I have lived in Southwest VA my whole life and love living by the mountains but not too far from the beach. I also enjoy traveling all over the world and would love to study abroad if I can.

Here at NC State I am a new member of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) and help run the social media for the Guatemala Water Systems subteam. If I am not studying, you can usually find me spending time with friends or at a sporting event. I am a huge volleyball and football fan and oftentimes will be cheering loudly in the stands!

Some of the things I am looking forward to this coming year are Parents and Families Weekend and Coffee Chats. I am so excited to be a part of such a great team and to support NC State Families! 

Abby Crosser, Parent Ally