Seizing Opportunities
Through NC State’s Power Sound of the South Marching Band, I have the opportunity to represent the University at National and International Baton Twirling Competitions as the NC State Feature Twirler. This summer at the National Baton Twirling Championship, I was selected to represent the USA and NCSU as a Baton Twirling Ambassador to Peru for the Festival of Spring.
The International Festival De La Primavera is a festival held every year in Trullijo, Peru to celebrate the coming of spring and instill unity in the country. The festival selects baton twirlers and queens from around the world to participate in the festival, and I was selected as a baton twirler for the 72nd annual festival.
The festival is a two-week celebration filled with appearances and performances throughout Peru that bring joy to the citizens. I performed at orphanages, schools, nursing homes, parades, coronations and many more memorable locations.
Due to my rigorous course load as a Human Biology major, I was very nervous to leave the country for 2 weeks in the middle of the semester. Before traveling abroad, I completed the absence Verification process through the Office of Student Life and Advocacy. They were able to excuse my absences, provide me with extensions on school work, and allow me to reschedule exams.
This was a life-changing experience, and I am grateful to North Carolina State University for allowing me to seize this opportunity! NC State University has a wide range of opportunities on campus and beyond; encourage your students to seize these opportunities!
Go Pack!
Parent Ally, Amber Sorenson
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