Advice for Incoming Spring Connect Students
My freshman year at NC State, I was a Spring Connect student. While campus wasn’t too difficult to navigate and I had a very helpful roommate, there are still some things I wish I had known my freshman year. So, I thought it would be helpful to write a blog that compiles a list of things that will be helpful for incoming Spring Connect students.
Important Spring Connect Dates
The Spring Connect calendar has a lot of useful information, such as when the housing application opens, when meal plan enrollment opens, when final transcripts need to be submitted, when tuition and bills are published and so much more! I referred to this calendar a lot before I started my freshman year and it was incredibly helpful.
Take Classes at a Community College
I know a lot of Spring Connect students choose to take classes at a community college during their fall semester. I used my fall semester before coming to NC State to finish my Associates degree! I would recommend looking at a list of courses that transfer to NC State to ensure you are taking classes that count towards your major. If you need advice, you can also contact your advisor, who you should be able to view in your MyPack Portal.
Housing and Roommates
The housing application for Spring Connect students opens in early October, so I would recommend filling that out as soon as it opens! First-Year students do not get to choose their dorm, but they do have the option to select a Living and Learning Village if they would like. In early November, housing assignments are released. Your housing assignment will tell you what hall you will live in and your dorm room number. You will also be given your roommate’s contact information. I would recommend reaching out to your roommate as soon as you get your assignment. I did this and it helped me build a strong connection with my roommate and we were able to meet up and hangout before move-in, as well as discuss what to bring.
Walk Your Classes
Before my first day of class, I went into my MyPack Portal and looked at my class locations. I then walked around campus and found each building I would have class in. This helped me familiarize myself with the campus and where I needed to be. It also made me feel less nervous about the first day of class, because I knew that I would not run the risk of being late trying to find where everything was! The Campus Map is a helpful resource for this.
I hope this advice is helpful, being a Spring Connect is not as scary as it seems!
- Kaitlin
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